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Meet our Nutritionist

Plant-Based Nutrition

One of the most powerful steps you can take to improve your health, boost energy levels, reduce your risk of illness and chronic diseases is to increase your vegetable intake by moving to a  plant-based diet.


It may sound like a great idea, yet where to start? A qualified vegan nutritional therapist and health coach could help you determine your current level of health and achieve your goals.


Combing the role of nutritional therapy to aid promotion of health and wellbeing, with the supportive mentoring of a health coach keeps clients motivated and accountable for changes in their diet and lifestyle.


Whether you need help getting started on a plant-based diet, or you're needing to lose weight, get fitter or create a more energetic life, we create tailored programs to suit every person and every goal.


Click the link to find out about Nutrition Consultations & Health Coach packages available.


Our Story

Fat Lettuce began in early 2018 as an 'All you can eat' pop-up vegan buffet with a purpose of offering diners guilt-free 'Pile your plate high' food, whilst also bringing awareness to how delicious plant-based food can be!


Since then Fat Lettuce has been making its way inspiring more households into plant-based eating by sharing recipes, motivation and support.


Our founder, Jennie Dudbridge is a qualified nutritional therapist, health coach, plant-based cook and Yoga instructor who is passionate about helping clients strike the perfect balance of healthfulness and satisfaction in their diets. 

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Ten years vegan, 30 years vegetarian and having graduated Roubxe professional plant-based culinary school, Jennie has developed several plant-based pop-up menus for leading restaurants in London and Essex, promoting community awareness of the benefits (and tastiness!) of plant-based eating.


Qualified nutritional therapist educated at the college of natural medicine in Brighton, England and Sivananda-trained yoga teacher, grounded Jennie in classical yoga tradition with the skills to teach Yoga asana and meditation, and combine this knowledge with her education in naturopathic nutrition.


Jennie serves regularly as a nutritionist at health retreats throughout UK and abroad, where her self-professed mission is to help others connect with themselves, "mouth, body and soul."

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Nutritionist & Health Coach

Jennie knows first hand that not knowing what to cook, being short on time, and sometimes tackling weight gain and other health issues can demotivate you early on when making lifestyle changes.


Let’s not pretend – eating more wholefoods and including more vegetables in your diet can be difficult. As a nation we have become heavily reliant on high-fat processed foods and with the epic increase of vegan convenience foods we have a battle on our hands!


When trying to lose weight and become healthier it is important to cook nutritious food that is also bursting with flavour in order to satisfy you and keep you on track!


Our health coach packages and wellness hub is designed to support you through all these challenges and more, supply recipes, diet hacks, and the support of a personal nutritionist who cares about your goals.


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